Motivating Children to Brush Their Teeth
Let your child pick out the toothbrush they will use. This helps them feel involved and also gets them excited. There are so many toothbrushes with characters and/or colors that appeal to children.
How to Use “Results Marketing” to Stand Out in the Dental Implant Market
We have recently discussed how dental implant practices can set themselves apart in a competitive market through unique sales propositions. By differentiating themselves, practices will enjoy more implant leads and a higher case acceptance rate.
Braces Vs Invisalign: What are the Differences?
Are you considering getting braces for yourself or your child for crooked teeth? Invisalign and traditional braces both have their pros and cons, so it cannot be easy to decide which is right for you and your oral health.
Steps towards achieving sustainability in practice

Many events in 2022 have helped to add weight to the case for sustainability. The war in Ukraine highlighted the need for secure sources of energy, which, many argue should come from renewable sources.

Dental Practice Rebranding: Dos and Don'ts
A good brand will communicate what makes your dental practice unique, attracting patients who need the services you provide.
Some suggestions of things practices
It’s beginning to look like another interesting winter ahead with the current state of the world. I guess we all must keep fingers and toes crossed that this “hullabaloo” as the ex-UK Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, called it recently, settles down and leads us all back to more settled economic times.
Oral Health Challenges of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Empathetic and supportive care is needed when treating patients with this chronic inflammatory disease.
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